South American
The restaurant is named after a city in Argentina - Salta, which is famous throughout South America for its food and its beef. Chef Desmond Goh and his team invite you to a vibrant Argentine experience. The cattle in Argentina graze the grass plains freely and openly, resulting in lean meat and less saturated fats. As no hormones or supplements are given, the beef produced is natural, healthy and full of flavour.
The Salta is mainly a Parilla house. It boasts a 5-metre long charcoal fired grill, which is the centre-piece of the restaurant. The method of cooking is to adjust the heat manually by moving the coals closer or farther from the grate, pan or pot.
Salta Argentine restaurant has quite a few interesting Argentina appetisers like the Matambre, Molleja and Salchicha but make sure you leave room for the grill selection. Try Solomillo de Cerdo (black hog pork loin), Corazon de Cuadril (heart of rump) or La Parrillada (mixed grilled: Short ribs, beef skirt, chicken, black hog pork, mixed sausage, lamb rack, vegetables & potatoes) for those who like to share with their freineds.
No service charge!