Handicap Accessible Travel
Singapore still has many areas to develop, but accessibility in general has been improving considerably over the past few years.
All train stations are accessible to wheelchair users, families with children in strollers, the visually impaired and those travelling with luggage or large packages. In addition, foldable bicycles are permitted in all trains, but must remain folded.
In all MRT stations you will find the following facilities:
• Wide fare gates
• Tactile ground surface indicators
• Access ramps leading up to the station concourse
• In-station passenger lifts
Prams/strollers are allowed on board buses, but must be folded up. Guide dogs accompanying visually handicapped commuters are the only animals allowed on the bus.
Foldable bicycles are permitted on buses at the times listed here, but must remain folded:
Mon-Fri: 9:30am-4:00pm, and from 8:00pm to end of service; all day on weekends and public holidays.
A fleet of dedicated busses, known as Wheelchair Accessible Bus (WAB) Services, is available for wheelchair passengers. Each WAB can accommodate up to two passengers in wheelchairs.
Useful links for disabled
Information on wheelchair taxi cabs
Information on airport facilities, services and provisions
List of accessible buildings in Singapore
Disabled People's Association (DPA) of Singapore